Hilltop Community Resources is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization serving western Colorado in Mesa, Delta, Montrose, and Ouray counties. EIN: 74-2321009
Your total contribution is tax deductible. Gifts of $100 or more may be eligible for the Homeless Contribution Tax Credits. Contact Alyssa Mackey to learn more at: alyssam@htop.org | 970.244.0428
Please note Colorado state law requires individuals to provide their full social security number to qualify for HCTC. We’ll handle your data securely and provide the State of Colorado with your information for the tax credit.
Donation Refund Policy:
We are grateful for your donation and support of our organization. Donations are normally nonrefundable but if you have made an error in making your donationplease contact us at: 970.244.0422. Ongoing support is important to enabling Hilltop programs to continue their work, so we encourage donors to continue to contribute to projects over time. But if you must cancel your recurring donation, please notify us immediately. Refunds are returned using the original method of payment. If you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to that same credit card.